Week 48

Hello beautiful people,
I have reached that time in my mission where I am tired. Tired of emailing you all. I try my best, every week, and do not receive the sufficient amount of replies that I deserve for such outstanding emails. Something’s gotta give.

Last Pday, I don’t think I have ever laughed more on my mission. Firstly, we decided that we wouldn’t have enough time to hike ‘The Cloud’. It was awkward as we needed to break the news to the Stoke Elders and we didn’t know how they would react. We asked Elder Brandenburg to sell the new plan and he agreed that he would be ‘smooth and subtle’. All of a sudden, he exclaims ‘We’re not going to ‘The Cloud’. Man, the way that he said it was hysterical as it was so blunt, but the Stoke Elders didn’t hear it at all. Nevertheless, the Elders were happy to play soccer. They were playing for about 15 minutes when a dog decided to join them and started playing with the ball. At first, it was adorable, but then the situation turned. The dog deflated the soccer ball. I look back and smile as it was the most unexpected and random thing to occur.

We knew that it closed at 5pm and we were racing against the clock. By a miracle, the bus stopped right outside the bakery around 4:55pm, but to our disappointment, the store was already closed. We were able to get the attention of the workers by banging on the doors and windows,
Therefore, we admired Harry Styles’ cardboard cutout from outside. It wasn’t fair nor satisfying, but we mourned together, it was a great story and a bonding experience. I am sure Harry would not be happy.

Doctrine and Covenants 103:36 36 All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith.

This was a verse that was highlighted in Stake Conference. It is a very powerful statement to know that we can inherit all victory and glory as long as we just press forward with a steadfastness in Christ.

There was a speaker from the Area Seventy, Alessandro Dini Ciacci or Alejandro V from our lack of interpreting Italian names, and he gave an interactive training on the Europe Area Plan. Anyway, he encouraged the members to take a selfie and share it on various social media to promote the Newcastle-under-Lyme Stake Conference. As missionaries, we did not receive special permission to do so, however, the Stake President, President Boydell was able to, and Elders Brandenburg and Korth, Sister Elgueta and I were ready to participate. We were inspired by the President of the Twelve Apostles, President Nelson. #squadgoals
Enjoy the attached photos.

Moreover, Stake Conference was a beautiful sight as President Ulrich, the Zone Leaders, the Stoke District and Sister Elgueta and I colour coordinated in pink. From the stand, President looked to me and pointed to his tie, because he had chosen to follow the trend. It looked so much better than his usual yellow.

Until next week,
Much love,
Sister Turnbull


One thought on “Week 48

  1. I always enjoy your email. As I do my own Son’s email from Johannesburg South Africa Mission.

    You really are a good example and uplift me when I’m down.

    Keep up the good work sister


    Brother Powell

    please use new email



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